The end of August! How did it go?

The end of August! How did it go?

I’m sure most small business owners, or even larger business owners or most residents of ibiza will be taking a deep deep exhale when they wake up tomorrow, another August DONE. How did it go? Was it holidays of joy, or your busiest work month?

August is normally an intense month on the isle of ibiza, and this year was no exception. But this year I plunged deeply into yoga and meditation as my core tools for coping when feelings get very intense. And I have to say it worked. Starting most days with a grounding yoga sequence, sending out some intentions, and lighting candles and prayers for all those in my life that needed it. And GRATITUDE. When things get internally hairy (!) I found the most potent tool is either writing down all the things to be grateful for, or mentally reflecting on them. It worked. Well mostly.

It wasn’t until I read this article sent by a lovely friend Hannah that everything seemed to click into place. AH! Big cosmic disorder. If you still have a difficult time in ‘believing’ in the wider powers of the universe, pause and think, and remember the power the moon has over the tides. The same power is intimately intertwined with ladies’ 28 day cycle and both are normally aligned if we are living with the tide, and not against it.

Things have started to shift over the past 7 days, took a break. And felt a cloud lifting. New clarity and excitement for September, and the sun in Virgo!

Enjoy your final day of August and EXHALE!

Photo credits Julia Fuchs

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