So we’ve just had Spring Equinox, Full Moon in LIbra, and now bowling into Easter week- does it feel to you like we’ve gone from Slugs pace to Road Runner in a very short space of time? How are you feeling with it all? Flowing with it or feeling overwhelmed with all the ACTION?! This full moon in Libra vibes is very much about finding HARMONY, and the energy of Spring very much about BALANCE, and finding PEACE with whatever is going on around us as well as this sense of REBIRTH, RENEWAL & RESETTING from winter. Spring GAME ON…
Self enquiry questions
What does balance mean to you? How do you create balance each day in your life?
What seeds did you plant in the depths of winter, and what things are you looking forward to sprout this Springtime?
What areas of your life need a little more harmony, and how can you implement that?
How is your physical, mental, emotional health as we enter springtime? Are you tuning in and listening to your inner guidance / soul’s voice?
SpringTime rituals
Clearing your altar, or meditation space, placing with fresh flowers and spring fruits to refresh your stage
Having a spring clear out, could be physical space, your wardrobe, your body (having just finished an 8 day Deep Clean Juice cleanse I recommend if you need to feel a bit clearer physically), are there any behaviours, or relationships that need bringing into harmony or a good spring clear out? How can you best do that?
Feeling into some goals you would like to achieve for summer, and planting some seeds (literally) in your garden in honour of these.
This Easter weekend we celebrate the goddess of the spring Ostara (or Eastre/Eostre) and in times gone by this was very much a HUGE celebration for having made it through those tough winter months. The energy of Ostara (and the energy associated with Easter from Christianity) being about death, renewal, and rebirth cycles of life. What are you looking to RENEW this season?
Are you having a freak out that bikini season is nearly here, and physically you are not where you’d prefer to be?
Message to start your 6/7/8 week Strong & Lean or Flexible & Fabulous Programme.
Are you feeling sparked out, overwhelmed, emotional, and totally stressed or ungrounded?
Message to enquire about the 6/7/8 week Calm Clear & Connected Programme.
Asanas for this season…
Breathing technique- Alternate nostril breathing, to bring BALANCE, EQUILIBRIUM AND FIRE UP YOUR RELAXATION SYSTEMS! Lots of balancing flow sequences can be helpful at this time of year, here is a class recorded live over spring equinox. Great time to get working on your handstand!!
My advice would be ENJOY the excitement of everything coming back to life, but remember to keep some SPACE for YOU! Our nervous systems can easily get overwhelmed as having being locked up for the best part of the year and then released like wild chickens!
Lots of Love
Katie xxx
FREE/DONATION CLASS IS THIS SUNDAY, ZOOM, UK 10AM, SPAIN 11AM, NYC 6AM. We’ll be harnessing the energies of EASTER! xxx Email to join katie@om-fitnessandwellbeing.com
How does yoga affect our nervous system? Here’s a fab article!
Get in touch if you need some support
Sessions on ZOOM! xxx