
Wellness What is Holistic Wellbeing Coaching? Let’s talk Wellness…. I look at clients as a whole and design bespoke programmes on their vision. Holistic Wellbeing Coaching draws on my years of experience working 1-2-1 with clients, and on numerous retreats worldwide. I believe it is critical to look at all clients as WHOLE, emotionally, physically… Continue reading Wellness

Movement Meditation for Feeling Calm, Relaxed, Grounded during these times…

Movement Meditation for Feeling Calm, Relaxed, Grounded during these times. During periods of external chaos, a hyper-active internet filled with scary stories of the Coronavirus pandemic, here is a short movement meditation for you to practice at home to help you reconnect with your breath, the earth, to come out of the mind and feel… Continue reading Movement Meditation for Feeling Calm, Relaxed, Grounded during these times…

MARCH! Getting beach body ready!  Book 6 one-to-one Sessions, Pay for 4 

MARCH! Getting beach body ready! Book 6 one-to-one Sessions, Pay for 4 If you’ve succumbed to the sofa for most of January and February and now start to feel the panic of SPRING being around the corner, please BE KIND to yourself and start to get yourself back in SHAPE (mentally and physically) with this… Continue reading MARCH! Getting beach body ready!  Book 6 one-to-one Sessions, Pay for 4 

Dealing with back pain…disc prolapses

[cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″ data_shortcode_id=”gx4ii0fy69″] [cmsmasters_embed shortcode_id=”tw5rs1sxym” link=”https://youtu.be/BJKFKCHC47I” width=”350″ height=”300″ animation_delay=”0″] [cmsmasters_text] Dealing with back pain…disc prolapses Back pain! How I overcame a severe disc prolapse Well it’s been 2 years this month since my back WENT in Costa Rica, finally making the time to share my spine story with intention of giving HOPE to those suffering… Continue reading Dealing with back pain…disc prolapses

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

How do you like your eggs in the morning? Winter Wellness How do you like your eggs in the morning? I personally can’t face eggs first thing in the morning! Here’s how to POUNCE and PLUG into your morning, particularly if like me you’re a bit of a GRUMP in the morning… If your constitution… Continue reading How do you like your eggs in the morning?

New Year SAME You! Delving into your darkness…

New Year SAME You! Delving into your darkness and finding your light…. Well, how was it? Sensible? Wild? How are you feeling as we delve into 2019? January hang overs or feeling energised? In a quest to start the New Year differently this year I embarked on Module 1 of Suzanne Faith’s TRUTH and BRAVERY,… Continue reading New Year SAME You! Delving into your darkness…


[cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”qqli6ui9lj” animation_delay=”0″] ”Spring passes and one remembers ones innocence. Summer passes and one remembers ones exuberance AUTUMN PASSES AND ONE REMEMBERS ONES REVERENCE Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance. ” Yoko Ono [/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_text]   November is EN ROUTE! Which of course means the duvets and well truly OUT OUT, time to fold… Continue reading HAPPY HALLOWEEN! WINTER EN ROUTE, HOW ARE YOU?

Depression and Anxiety. Managing your monsters!

Depression and Anxiety. Managing your monsters! So I’ve been putting off this article for a while mainly as I’ve just not felt motivated of late (more on that later) and for me and I do enjoy writing but it’s a thing I have to be in the mood for and the mood hasn’t take me!… Continue reading Depression and Anxiety. Managing your monsters!

The end of August! How did it go?

The end of August! How did it go? I’m sure most small business owners, or even larger business owners or most residents of ibiza will be taking a deep deep exhale when they wake up tomorrow, another August DONE. How did it go? Was it holidays of joy, or your busiest work month? August is… Continue reading The end of August! How did it go?

July’s Blood Moon, Becoming Blissful in The Balearics

July’s Blood Moon, Becoming Blissful in The Balearics Was it just me or was last week really PRETTY HEAVY!?! Energies seemed even more intense than usual for the end of July here in Ibiza, and though the thermometers read 30C, the real feel is definitely 45C. I’ve put most of it down to the heat,… Continue reading July’s Blood Moon, Becoming Blissful in The Balearics